Saturday, October 27, 2012

Knock, knock!

I love corny jokes! Puns, the occasional knock-knock, 
sometimes a little dirty is ok, if it's really funny, I just love funny jokes! 
You know what's better than a joke that makes you laugh so hard you cry? 
Sharing that laughter and the tears with someone that gets it too!
My husband, for the most part, DOES NOT get it. Every once in a while he will humor me. (ha ha "humor" me) But if he has his choice he would rather watch the news or sports than sit and have me read jokes from twitter or facebook. 
Maybe he feels the same way about sharing news and sports with me? 
I don't know because he doesn't communicate things like that well, so?  
So when I had the opportunity to visit my sister this past weekend I knew I would get to laugh and share funny things with someone who gets it and I was so excited! 
I showed her a youtube site that I follow and love. Seriously they are hilarious! 
(Check them out: Kid History) My sister agrees! "FACT!" 
And we sat late into the night and I read twitter jokes and facebook jokes and even looked at my pinterest board where I have pinned things I find funny. 
I think the later in the night, the funnier the jokes are! 
Yet another thing my husband, who goes to bed before 10, DOES NOT get. 
The party, or joke telling with inevitable laughter, does not start until after 10 pm! 
So I am very thankful that I have a sister that is in visiting proximity now 
and will hopefully be able to go visit her more often! 
Look I'm putting the gratitude lesson into practice there! :) 

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